Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,
I've been kinda good all year. What I really want for Christmas is transformers and I want some games on my iPhone, and I really like McDonalds Happy Meal w Chicken Nuggets and 18 ketchups and french fries.


Dear Santa,
I'm really not that good but I'm really cute... does that count? Anyway, I want my our chair so I don't have to sit in my brother's anymore, I wold like a doll and OMG I love shoes!

Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm thankful for....

I am thankful for my sweet, beautiful, crazy little girl!


My Sweet, Smart, Funny little boy Brooks!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Boy has some skills...

Brooks played an AMAZING game this morning! He scored a personal best of 15 goals. He was putting the moves on the other team, dribbling around them and scoring some major goals. He was so excited and so proud of himself... as were we! Really, everyone on his team played well, ALL the moms and dads were cheering them on. It was a really great game.
Here is Proud DAD and Brooks after the game!

Me and my soccer STAR!

BOO... here's the pumpkin all lit up at night! Spooky

Trick or Treat and HAPPY HALLOWEEN from Abby and Brooks!

Here's my lil ALL-STAR in action!

Friday, October 29, 2010

There's a lot going on here...

So... The TEXAS RANGERS are in the World Series YAY! So my little Rangers are showing their spirit. Abby really has no clue, but Brooks loves gearing up for the Ranger games.

Brooks and Knox (really it was Autumn and I) carved pumpkins on Tuesday. We let them pick out their picture. Lucky for me Brooks picked something simple. Knox made it a little more work for Autumn. They ended up collection acorns while we carved. :) BOYS....

He did help pull a little guts!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Brooks and his Best Bud Knox at the fair & rodeo

Abby, hangin' out with the boys!

Round two the next night... 8 seconds and 92 points he said :)

Brooks and I before the Rodeo.

Abby Cadabby and I before the rodeo!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good ride cowboy, good ride!

Crazy... I had not posted anything for months and all of a sudden I have 3 in one week... Go Me! This weekend is Jason's birthday weekend with also falls on rodeo weekend every year. We started the weekend off right with some H.O.T rodeo! Brooks was really excited, he loves rodeos and especially LOVES bullriding! Abby, well being the girl that she is LOVES the boots. Yes, the girl has a small shoe collection. Brooks couldn't wait to get on the mechanical bull again this year. Here's a few pics from that. We are doing round 2 tomorrow night with a few friends... I'm sure there will be another bull ride in the future... TOMORROW. Great night!!!!!!!!

My lil COWBOY after his ride! He was so proud!!!

Miss Abby thinks she's something big, I guess. She wanted to sit in her own seat. She did really well sitting still for that long. She liked to watch all the action.

Nichole, Abby, Jason and Brooks H.O.T Fair and Rodeo 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today was pumkin pickin' day! We went out the the church that I've been taking Brooks to since his 1st pumpkin puctures! They did not cooperate as well as I would have liked :) Abby didn't want to sit still to take a picture. Brooks wanted to pick out the smallest pumpkins in the world :) THEN, he picked out the biggest one out there for Jason... crazy kids! Abby and Brooks both walked away with 2 lil pumpkins and then we got the really big one for Jason... I asked if he would share with me :)

Brooks 4 years old

Crazy Abby 19 months old!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This is what we have been up to... SOCCER. Brooks plays every Saturday morning at the HOT fields. He's doing really awesome. He LOVES playing and has so much fun. The team practices every Tuesday and Thursday so that keeps our schedule pretty packed. I'm so glad he loves the game, we are looking forward to MANY more seasons of soccer!!!

Abby has been enjoying going to watch her Bubba play too. She want to get out there and play with them. She has been to every practice and every game so I think you could call her his BIGGEST fan. She has more fun running around than watching... imagine that :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet the Bears 2010

Miss Abby Cadabby and I at Meet the Bears!

The kids and I at Meet the Bears... right before the craziness started.

Brooks and Robert Griffin III, the quarterback for the Baylor Bears!

Abby got sacked out at the signing! Too much football for this little girl.

Brooks and Jake playing football in the indoor arena before the Bears got there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kickin' off Aug!

How do you spell Abby? D.I.V.A
Aunt Hope bought her this super cute vest and she thought it was funny.

Brooks loves swimming at the Y. Here he is going down the slide.

Abby likes the water too. She thinks she's 4 or something? She wants to do it all by herself...

Here is Brooks FLYING off the side. He loves to jump out and then swim. Last week, Jason taught him how to swim under water!!! He's a fish now, can't keep him out of the deep end.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

June and July

We have had an amazing summer so far. Brooks goes twice a week to YMCA Kids Get Fit, and picked up a Zumba class this week too. He loves it. They are supposed to be 5 years old to go... he told me yesterday that he was pretending to be 5 so he could go to zumba. He's so stinkin' funny sometimes. Miss Abby is everywhere and into everything!!! She's so loud. Jason worked most of June and they got all 9 engines tested and shipped off to FL. Had a week off work which was WONDERFUL... and then they sent him to Florida. :( He'll be there a little over a week. I am doing my second triathlon July 25th! Super pumped about it. Jason is going to be there which makes me SOOO super happy! Hope you all have been enjoying your summer.
Love... The Anderson's

Captain Brooks

My lil' firecrackers 2010

MAN does this girl LOVE watermelon... just like her mom!

Friday, June 4, 2010

GO SPACEX!!!! 2 o'clock today launched the Falcon 9!!!!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Turned my city boy into a real COWBOY!

Thanks to a really good friend of mine, I got Jason on a horse for the 2nd time in his life! We had so much fun!!! This is the beginning of a new hobby. Maybe there will be some horses in our future ;) Jason rode Elle, who used to be a race horse. I rode Della, who is my friend's horse she uses to ride in the H.O.T sweethearts. She just came from a rodeo, so she was a bit tired.

Jason riding Elle!

Jason's bringing Elle down the hill.