Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet the Bears 2010

Miss Abby Cadabby and I at Meet the Bears!

The kids and I at Meet the Bears... right before the craziness started.

Brooks and Robert Griffin III, the quarterback for the Baylor Bears!

Abby got sacked out at the signing! Too much football for this little girl.

Brooks and Jake playing football in the indoor arena before the Bears got there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kickin' off Aug!

How do you spell Abby? D.I.V.A
Aunt Hope bought her this super cute vest and she thought it was funny.

Brooks loves swimming at the Y. Here he is going down the slide.

Abby likes the water too. She thinks she's 4 or something? She wants to do it all by herself...

Here is Brooks FLYING off the side. He loves to jump out and then swim. Last week, Jason taught him how to swim under water!!! He's a fish now, can't keep him out of the deep end.